Is ear piercings haram in Islam?

Before I got an ear piercing, I didn’t have time to think about whether it’s haram to get an ear piercing. When I was a baby, I had pierced ears and I had earrings. That’s …

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Is plastic surgery haram in Islam?

I have never had plastic surgery before. Honestly, I never thought to be. Of course, people may have lots of things they do not like about themselves and that they might want to alter them. …

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Is swearing haram?

Normally, I am not a person who likes to swear. But like everyone else, there were times when I swore in anger. In such situations, I feel bad. It is also interesting that I always …

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Is dyeing hair haram?

Whether hair dyeing is haram or not is one of the questions that has not been clarified for years. I have been dyeing my hair without knowing the answer to this question and I continue …

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Is masturbating haram?

Today, thanks to the internet, we can easily reach a lot of information in seconds. However, on the other hand, the internet makes some grown-up content easier to reach as well. Here the question is, …

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What does haram mean?

One night, when I was sipping my tea just before the television, an idea came to my mind. This idea was something that will give me the opportunity of doing good deeds continously, even after …

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golden rings

Is wearing gold jewellery haram?

You may be wondering why lots of Muslims around do not wear golden rings. Perhaps, you are about to get married and you are not sure what kind of a ring to pick. And the …

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backgammon board

Is playing backgammon haram?

Right off the bat, I have to admit that I have played backgammon many times without even wondering whether it is haram. One day, I started wondering about this question and I really wanted to …

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Is cursing haram?

Curse is basically a negative/bad pray for somebody. We all curse time to time even if we know that this is not the best reaction for a Muslim. However, you can not control everything in …

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Is playing chess haram?

As one of the oldest board games in history of mankind, chess is today still one of the most-played strategy games. The game is played with two players on a board. it does not include …

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